번호 | 제목 | 작성자 | 등록일 | 조회 |
15 | The population history of northeastern S... | admin | 2023.05.03 | 1,687 |
14 | Y Chromosome analysis of prehistoric hum... | admin | 2023.04.20 | 743 |
13 | Ancestry informative SNP panels for disc... | admin | 2023.04.18 | 713 |
12 | The fine-scale genetic structure and evol... | admin | 2023.04.07 | 639 |
11 | Ancestry informative SNP panels for disc... | admin | 2023.04.07 | 648 |
10 | Ancient Jomon genome sequence analysis s... | admin | 2023.03.29 | 4,672 |
9 | Genomic Insights Into the Admixture Hist... | admin | 2023.03.28 | 2,603 |
8 | Archaeolinguistic evidence for the farmi... | admin | 2023.03.27 | 597 |
7 | Millet agriculture dispersed from Northe... | admin | 2023.03.27 | 1,901 |
6 | Triangulation supports agricultural spre... | admin | 2023.03.27 | 550 |